Thursday, May 20, 2010

Computer problems=No blog update..SERIOUSLY!

So about six months ago our computer went down...much to my dismay...after my Brother-in-law Ben fixed it for us...overall it was much better...however one problem now existed. Logging onto blogspot and reading anyone else's or updating my own was next to impossible. Now with our new laptop -YEA YEA YEA! I am able to blog again. And hopefully with accessibility being simplified--more often.
I am not sure where to start or end. Discovering that people actually DO read my blog and just don't comment was at least refreshing...however complaints were more pictures, more entries...but shorter entries for those who are reading ESL! There you have it Kik's!
Six months of my life simplified in a few short sentences. This year has been busy and productive. Alyssa and I went on a rendezvous to California and Utah in mid-April. We were able to visit my grandparents, my Aunt Carol and her fam, and my Dad's Uncle and his cousins while in California. Then we headed to Utah where we saw Jason's parents, and several dear friends. It was a quick but refreshing trip to Utah. It was wonderful to spend time around friends who made you feel like a million bucks and help you remember who you were BEFORE you became a mom and wife. Since returning home my hubby has been dealing with a Union Strike at work--causing him TONS of extra work hours as he is Non-Union and considered management. Meanwhile each girl brought home a different ailment each week for me--Torie pnuemonia and Alyssa a virus with a nice high temp. We recovered well and I am attempting to return to what one may consider a normal life...with a husband who puts in 60-70 hours a week...but I won't complain since it is temporary and the overtime will cover our trip to Disneyworld come Fall. We are anticipating a few other trips this summer..but for now this will have to be my update:)


Queen Bee said...

glad to see you back!

by Kimberlee St. Clair said...

Yea for a new computer....glad to see you blogging again...and I agree...more pictures!

Unknown said...

Yes I am still reading your Blog!
Thank goodness, you are still in Blog Business.