Saturday, January 10, 2009

Updating this blog will be a MYRIAD of things afterall it has been like a month..where does one start?
Holidays...they were okay...with family stress it tends to take the relaxation out of it, however it happened and we all survived, and I think the kids had a good one. We did lots of extra fun things like lights at the zoo (nevermind we spent 90% of the time in the BuildaBear with the kids...I'll post pics later--it's funny!), watched lots of Christmas shows, did Breakfast with Santa, made a gingerbread house, etc. I think we did our parental responsibility of "making it fun", and even managed to have some fun ourselves---can you believe it?
Latest quotes from Alyssa...
  • She put on a pair of overalls....and comes out saying, "Hey Mom, I am a farm!"
  • One night she was sitting and looking at me..."Do you like looking at mommy?--
    "Yes. " "Why?", to which she responded, "Because I love you." MELT MY HEART!
  • The other day my mom asked her to turn out the light in the bathroom, to which she responded..."IT'S NOT EASY!"
  • And my favorite---Alyssa doesn't sleep well in her own bed---so when she does she gets a treat. One morning, I was having a chocolate to which she responded.."Mom you weep (sleep) in your own bed." "Why yes Alyssa I did!"

She is my clown all the time. It's hard to keep her in line cuz she makes me laugh so much.

Well I hope that you all had a Merry Christmas and have WONDERFUL New YEAR! Loves to ALL!