Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Medium

So here's the thing that I have noticed lately...Some people are waiting to be offended, while others easily say offensive things.  What does this mean?  While I hardly believe that we need to be politically correct all the time and need to sit in silence when we have an opinion, there are some people that it wouldn't hurt to curtail their tongues.  Being overly paranoid of hurting people  (literally it's on OCD thing)  I don't get why people blundtly say things that can and should be offensive.  On the other hand, I don't get why some people look for people to offend them.  I feel like I am talking in circles, but in reality there HAS got to be a happy medium.  We are teaching our children not to be bullied, but in some cases we make them hyper sensitive to comments that children just say with no mean intention.  If a kid says that they hate you and want to beat you up...YES bullying....if a kid says "you're hair is shorter than mine"  get over it.  Are we creating a generation of even more easily offended children incapable of letting things go?  As a parent often in this whole situation it's hard to know where to draw the line.  So simply put, this is my conclusion, try not to be offended unless there was intent and if it was forgive.  If you are the offender---recognize it, take accountability, work on controlling your tongue and apologies can go a long way!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What's next?

The last few months I have thought often about posting and what to say and what NOT to here goes.
Many of you know that I have wanted three kids for pretty much as long as I can remember. 2 girls and 1 boy in that order. SOOOO far, so good, until about a year ago. With PCOS, well let's say the two I have in all reality are a miracle. And after much stress, and some heartache, my body and I together have more or less decided that #3 isn't going to enter this family. This isn't going to be some long post on infertility, cuz let's face it I have two and that is wonderful! Plus the two I have are pretty great and the third one could have been a screw up, so why risk it right?
The bigger issue that I am facing is being at a point in life I had in no way anticipated right now.
Yes, Lyssie went to school in the fall, and at first the idea of all day by myself was exciting, oh the places I would go and all the things I would do. But now, I am a bit of a lost soul, wondering what's next? Yes, I know the options are limitless---work, go back for more schooling, volunteer, lots of hobbies, Yada yada yada. But for real, I have come to the harsh conclusion that somewhere in the last ten years I forgot who I am without these sweet little attachments holding my hand all the time. I definately try to be more involved with them both at school, volunteering, having lunch with them, etc. Truth is I don't even know what I like....and I know I don't like cleaning the house and cooking ALLLLL the time. And apparently it must be a little lonely too, because I find myself talking to the dog far more often than one might consider normal. LOL! So all you Moms who have been there--help me out? What would be next for you?