Okay...so WHY would I say such a thing about myself--well the truth is that it is time that I acknowledge my strange gift. We all have been given strange gifts some that we are born aware of and others that we come to accept, love, and deal with. SOOO...what is it I am getting at...? Well as some of my long time friends have discovered I have an unbelievable LONG term memory. My short term memory sucks rocks! I could hardly tell you what I did yesterday (I have been told that is due to Long term use of meds for my OCD--but justify it as I may...I think I am just stupid sometimes...NE WAYS---I digress), however I can tell you stories that often you won't remember and many I would like to forget. Okay...so that is dealable right? It goes a bit further, I have anability to recognize people I hardly knew, after having not seem them for long amounts of time. This wasn't such an issue when I lived in North Carolina, afterall how often did I really run into people on the streets that I went to college with or high school, but having returned to St. Louis I have opened a huge can of worms. Here's the latest story:
So Friday I am at my work picking up Alyssa from school, a girl walks by the doorway as I am standing in the room, I recognize her without a moment's hesitation and say "Hey Jessica"---She is walking by so she returns...she looks at me, I say "Jessica---Melanie Silva"---Now she is frieked out---and we talk blah blah blah. This was not a close friend, or anything, just someone I chatted with at times. It had been sixteen years since I saw her and undoubtedly we BOTH look different, yet my mind recognizes her. The worst part is I cannot tell you the number of times I have done this and it is like I cannot control myself---we all know I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut---but this is like some friekish, tourette's syndrome thing---I know you, I see you, I must yell your name whether you know or remember me or not. SO there you have it...it has created some pretty interesting moments (especially on a number of occassions when the person has no clue who I am and how the heck I know them (until of course I use my gift to tell them exactly where we knew eachother from) and then they feel sheepish if they have no clue. Oh well...what are your unique gifts? Spill the beans friends!